Nomination Packet

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Bath County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Nomination Packet

This overview will explain the BCCC Board of Directors requirements for nomination and time commitment involved in becoming a productive Director on the Board.

Bath County Chamber Mission Statement

The Bath County Chamber of Commerce is organized for advancing the economic, industrial, agricultural, professional, cultural, civic, and tourism interests in Bath County.

Our primary objective is to:

  • Encourage the growth of existing industries and businesses while giving all proper assistance to new firms or individuals seeking information or locating in our area.
  • Support all those activities believed to be beneficial to the area.
  • Oppose those which might be detrimental.

Nomination Requirements

To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a member in good standing. Membership for a minimum of one year is preferred, but not required.
  • Be at least 18 years of age at time of application.
  • Have not caused a previous loss to the BCCC.
  • Have no past criminal history. A background check may be conducted.

Time Commitment

Board terms are for three years, and if you are voted onto the Board, you will also commit to:

  • Familiarizing yourself with the Chamber’s policies, by-laws, and regulations, and having an understanding of the BCCC budget and profit/loss statements.
  • Carrying out duties as a Director in good faith, in a manner you reasonably believe to be in the best interest of the membership.
  • Spending 5 - 10 hours per month preparing for and attending Board meetings, assigned committee meetings, and special planning, training, and informational sessions.

The Nomination Packet contains the following documents:

  • Board of Directors Job Description
  • Board of Directors Nomination Form
  • Board of Directors Application

Board of Directors Job Description

Title: Director
Reports to: Bath County Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) Members
Supervises: Executive Director

Primary Function

To set policy, plan the BCCC strategic direction, ensure the BCCC maintains its sound financial condition, keep the communication open, educate members on services, review and supervise the Executive Director’s progress in achieving goals and objectives, and report to members at the annual meeting.

General Duties of Directors

  1. 1. The Board of Directors is responsible for the general direction and control of the BCCC. The Board may delegate operational functions to the Executive Director, but not responsibility for ensuring the Chamber operates with the highest ethical standards in accordance with all applicable Federal and state laws and regulations.
  2. A Director must carry out his/her duties in good faith, in a manner reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the membership, and with such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances.
  3. A Director must administer the affairs of the BCCC fairly and impartially, and without discrimination in favor of, or against, any member.
  4. A director must have at least a working familiarity with basic finance and accounting practices, including the ability to read and understand the BCCC’s budget and profit/loss statement, and the ability to ask, as appropriate, substantive questions of management and auditors.
  5. A Director must conduct the operations for the BCCC in conformity with the Chamber’s Rules and Regulations, other applicable laws, and sound business practices.
  6. A director may rely on information prepared or presented by employees or consultants he/she reasonably believes to be reliable and competent, and who merit confidence in the functions performed.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Understand, support, and promote the BCCC’s mission, values and strategic direction, as well as its products and services
  2. Follow trends in the business community and Bath County; be aware of local and national economic and social trends, and their possible effects on the BCCC.
  3. Contribute proactively and constructively to the Board’s success in carrying out its governance responsibilities as described; hold self and the Board accountable for acting to ensure the long-term success of the BCCC.
  4. Prepare for, and actively participate in, Board meetings, meet the Board’s established attendance requirements.
  5. Actively participate on at least one standing Board Committee.
  6. Be objective, exercise independent judgment, ask questions, and request information in advance that is needed to make informed decisions; seek to achieve consensus on important Board matters.
  7. Avoid, in fact and perception, conflicts of interest that might embarrass the Board or the BCCC, and disclose to the Board, in a timely manner, any possible conflicts.
  8. Focus attention on long term and significant policy issues, rather than short-term administrative matters.
  9. Respect the responsibility of the Executive Director to manage the operations of the BCCC; ensure that any communication does not undermine the relationship between the Executive Director and the Board.
  10. Complete all Board and Committee assignments in a responsible and timely manner.
  11. Demonstrate a willingness to learn; fulfill the educational requirements established by the Board, attend and participate in conferences and educational workshops.
  12. Visit the BCCC office to observe the daily business operations and gain first-hand perspective on member services and operational issues.
  13. Maintain open communication with other Board members, and the Executive Director; promote relationships built on respect and trust; respond to requests for advice and assistance in a timely and helpful manner.
  14. Take advantage of opportunities to enhance the BCCC’s public image and market its services in the community.
  15. Respect the confidentiality of member’s business with the BCCC.
  16. Act always in the best interests of members.

The Board of Directors has appointed officials: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer that guide the Board of Directors.

President, Board of Directors Duties
Primary Function

To act as the chief elected official of the BCCC. Preside at all meetings of the Board and member meetings.

Specific Duties

  1. Lead all meetings of the Board and Member meetings.
  2. Supervise and control all the business and affairs of the Chamber.
  3. Assign Directors to Board Committees. Initiate formation of Committees not required by law.

Vice-President, Board of Directors Duties
Primary Function

To exercise all duties of the elected president when the president is unable to perform them.

Specific Duties

  1. Exercise the duties of the elected president when that person is unable to perform them.
  2. Serve on Ways and Means Committee.
  3. Serve as the vehicle through which recommendations for proposed policy shall be presented to the Board of Directors for decision.

Secretary, Board of Directors Duties
Primary Function

To oversee the preparation, maintenance, and completion of records of all meetings of the members, and of the

Specific Duties

  1. Prepare and maintain full and complete records of all meetings of members and of the Board within 7 days of each meeting.
  2. Prepare and send out notices of meetings to be held.
  3. Perform other duties as noted.

Treasurer, Board of Directors Duties
Primary Function

To monitor the financial management of the Chamber subject to limitations, controls, and delegations the board
may impose.

Specific Duties

  1. The Board Treasurer shall prepare and provide, or cause to be prepared and provide, appropriate reports to the members of the Chamber.
  2. The Board Treasurer shall also perform any other duties as directed by the Board, not inconsistent with applicable law and these By-laws.
  3. The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing management activities to assure the accuracy and safekeeping of all assets including funds, securities, bank papers and any other items of value.

Basic Financial Skills Required

At a minimum, a Director will be able to examine the BCCC’s budget and profit/loss statement and will be able
to answer the following questions:

  1. What does this line item mean?
  2. Why is it important to the Chamber?
  3. Is the value of the line item changing over time? If so, what does that change (either positive or negative) mean?
  4. Is the change important to the Chamber?

Standard of Performance

  1. Maintain BCCC membership in good standing
  2. Professional background in a discipline important to the BCCC’s success, e.g., finance, planning, marketing, customer service delivery, human resources, information system, legal counsel, etc.
  3. Management level experience
  4. An understanding of the basics of strategic and business planning.
  5. Willingness to speak up, to objectively consider and debate alternate or opposite points of view, to raise
    difficult issues, and to engage in reaching consensus on important issues.
  6. Willingness to commit time and actively participate, both in attendance and in meeting contributions.
  7. Ability to balance the need for managing the BCCC as a business with the need to understand and be responsible to the short and long-term interests of the BCCC’s members.
  8. Good problem-analysis and decision-making skills.
  9. Willingness to be accountable for results.
  10. Good teamwork and group process skills.
  11. Decisive, proactive and action-oriented.
  12. Commitment to the ideals and values of the credit union movement, and desire to contribute to the movement’s continued viability and growth.

Removal from the Board

While the Chamber hopes it will never have to remove a Director from office, and in fact this is uncommon, it is
sometimes necessary. A Director may be removed from office for the following reasons:

  1. Change of affiliation: Should any Director of the Board change their firm affiliation during the term of their elected Directorship, that seat shall be automatically resigned.
  2. If a Director’s member organization is suspended from the Chamber, the Director is also suspended from the Board.
  3. Any Director absent from more than one-third of the board meetings or three consecutive meetings may be removed from the Board.

Board of Directors Application

Physical Address
Mailing Address


Work Address
Note: The Nomination Committee may request a Professional Biographical Summary after reviewing this application.

Personal Statements


Please provide up to 3 professional references:
Reference 1 Address

Reference 2 Address

Reference 3 Address

Board of Directors Nomination by Petition Form

  • I certify that the information on my petition, professional/biographical statement and this Nomination by Petition form is true and correct, and I authorize the BCCC to investigate and verify all the information.
  • I understand the BCCC will gather employment information considered necessary and appropriate.
  • I understand that the BCCC may perform a consumer credit report and a criminal background check as considered necessary and appropriate.
  • I understand that the BCCC will retain my petition and this form whether I qualify for nomination with the understanding that it will be held in the strictest confidence.
  • I agree to serve if elected to the BCCC Board of Directors.
Please sign and date to confirm your intent, certification and understanding of the above conditions and provide this form and the Board of Directors Application to
This Board of Directors Nomination Form must be submitted by May 23, 2022.
*Important note: All names and signatures on the petition will be reviewed for authenticity. Your petition will be declined and your name will not appear on the ballot if your petition falls below the required minimum signatures for any of the following reasons: Requested information is 1) missing, 2) illegible, or 3) does not match BCCC records, 4) Signee is under 18 years of age, 5) is not a current BCCC member in good standing, or 6) is otherwise determined ineligible to sign. The BCCC will not consider petitions that arrive after May 23, 2022, nor for petitions that were not delivered due to email or computer malfunction. All decisions related to validating petitions are final.