2025 Annual Dinner Awards

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The Bath County Chamber of Commerce will honor its outstanding business organizations and individuals at our annual dinner in May.  To be considered for an award, the organization must be adhering to standards for excellence and innovation with their business practices and community involvement.

Instructions:  Complete this form for each award nomination you wish to submit.  Self-nominations are accepted.  Businesses and organizations must be a Chamber member in good standing to be eligible for awards.  Current members are listed in the Member Directory on the Chamber website at www.bathchamber.org.  Those who have received the award in the prior three years are not eligible for that award category in 2025, but they may be nominated for other appropriate categories.

Deadline:  All nominations must be submitted to the Bath County Chamber of Commerce by 4 pm on Monday, April 14th , 2025.  Nomination forms may be emailed to office@countyofbathchamber.org, dropped off at the Chamber Office (12291 Sam Snead Highway, Warm Springs VA 24484), or mailed to Bath County Chamber of Commerce (PO Box 718 Hot Springs, VA 24445).  There is also an option to make a nomination online through our website.

*if nominating an individual, please not their place of employment if applicable.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

All nominations must be submitted by 4pm on April 14th

Bath County Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner Awards 2025