Membership Benefits

BathChamber Logo Caps

Website Directory:

As part of your membership investment, you are listed two ways: by business name and category. Our directory includes a short description of your business and a profile image which you can update as often as you like. Our website caters to you with exclusive pages for members only accessible by log in.


Referrals are made by the Chamber Staff when someone visits the office or inquires by phone, email, fax or mail about your specific type of business.  As standard policy, we only refer to our members first.  So in a very real sense, the Chamber staff works for you...every business day.


We offer advertising through banner ads that target potential customers.  As a member you are entitled to a member2member promotional email spot for distribution to chamber members via email.

Members are encouraged to supply the Chamber with brochures and business cards that will be available to distribute on your behalf. 


  • "Chamber After Hours" networking events are held quarterly at the Chamber office or members' businesses. These are great opportunities for connecting, networking, and being an active part of the Bath County business community.
  • "Breakfast with the Chamber" is an informal forum introducing key figures in the County to the members of the Chamber for open discussions and networking, along with a delicious breakfast.
  • "Coffee Break" for Lodging & Dining facilities – this is a quarterly networking event that brings together the Lodging and Dining community for networking, discussions and sharing of information by like-minded, similar businesses.
  • "Lunch & Learn" are mid-day networking events plus informative mini seminars that are scheduled throughout the year.

Chamber Publications:

E-Blasts & Newsletters

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Each year the Chamber offers a full spectrum of sponsorships designed specifically to promote your brand in connection to the community.

Small Business Resources:

The Chamber partners with SCORE to bring you free business counseling and resources to start or grow your business.

  • Printing services: Chamber members receive 15 free copies per month and pay 10 cents per copy after and 25 cents per fax.
  • Website building: Chamber members receive help getting their business online. 
Chimney Springs

Ribbon Cuttings:

As a member of the Chamber whether you are a new or established business wishing to reintroduce your business, we celebrate you with a ribbon-cutting. In addition, you enjoy free publicity through local news media.

The Chamber Team:

The Chamber team works for you. We understand that your business is your number one priority. Our number one priority is our members. Bath County Chamber of Commerce, bringing businesses together!